Moira Delia features on Skjetti
There's no consensus on the question of what makes us special, or whether we even are. The biggest point of contention is whether our cognitive abilities differ from those of other animals "in kind," or merely in degree. Are we in a class by ourselves or just the smartest ones in our class? Charles Darwin supported the latter hypothesis. He believed we are similar to animals, and merely incrementally mor
Read More →Animal Diaries Season 6 coming soon
Animal Diaries has been the leading television programme in Malta raising awareness in responsible animal care for the past ten years. Hosted and produced by Moira Delia, a well known animal welfare activist, the programme exposes a wide range of animal welfare issues that would otherwise go unnoticed. Moira uncovers inspirational stories and connects with those working to make our world a better place for humans a
Read More →Cable Aid
Last week, Animal Diaries hosted Kelly and Ursula, two young girls from JA-YE (Junior Achievement Young Enterprise). Kelly and Ursula represent Charge, a social enterprise company setup to sell their novelty product in order to raise money for the environment and animal welfare. As a collective, Charge set out to identify a solution to the problem that many of us face on a daily basis, the breaking of cable
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Veronica Lynn Mizzi Immaġinak, b’katina ftit itwal minn tliet metri mdawra m’għonqok imwaħħla ma’ ħajt, ma tistax tiċċaqlaq u timxi. Marbut mingħajr kenn, li jħallik espost għall-elementi, kemm jekk xita qliel jew xemx taqli l-ankri, bla ikel u xi skutella b’daqsxejn ilma li jispiċċa mdardar. Hekk iħossu kelb li jintrabat b’xi katina, u jitħalla fuq xi bejt jew xi bitħa minsi għal sigħat
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