
Giving a dog a sense of purpose

Having had dogs all my life, it has never been a difficult decision whether I should adopt a dog or otherwise.  Loyal, protective, and always happy to see you, the dog has been a human companion for more than 18,000 years, making it one of the first domesticated animals in history. My dog Morse is almost 13 years old and accompanies me almost everywhere, including my office.  Morse is an ideal colleague because

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Acupuncture for Pets

Acupuncture can benefit all life stages (juvenile, adult, and senior) of your pets and a variety of conditions. Since most health problems are diagnosed once illness has become evident, it is vital to strive to prevent disease from occurring. What Can Veterinary Acupuncture do for my pet? The goal of acupuncture is to promote the body to heal itself and veterinary acupuncture encourages healing by correcting ener

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Tips for Raising Kittens

Raising kittens is very similar to that of bringing up children. Proper care and training is needed when they’re young, and increases the possibility that they’ll grow up to be healthy, well-adjusted adults. A kitten will have care requirements distinct from those of a fully matured cat and one should consider a kitten’s various stages of development when caring for it: Under eight weeks: At this early

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How to Care for a puppy

Puppies are without a doubt adorable  and parenting a new puppy is not easy. Here’s a guide to help you care for the new addition to the family. When the time comes to finally bring your puppy home, you need to be mindful of three things: unbridled joy, cleaning up your puppy’s accidents, and a lifestyle adjustment. A puppy needs much more than food and a home to be happy and well adjusted and although it may be

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Dangers for your pet at Christmas Time

Now that the Christmas festivities are upon us and we are getting ready for the festivities, it is important to be aware that Christmas can be a dangerous time for our pets. The top 5 reasons pets visit a Vets on Christmas Day: Gastritis / Enteritis Foreign body ingestion Soft tissue trauma Lacerations or bite wounds Chocolate poisoning It is very appealing to give the dog the remains of Christma

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Kelb ma jitwelidx aggressiv, imma l-bniedem jagħmlu hekk

Veronica Lynn Mizzi Immaġinak, b’katina ftit itwal minn tliet metri mdawra m’għonqok imwaħħla ma’ ħajt, ma tistax tiċċaqlaq u timxi. Marbut mingħajr kenn, li jħallik espost għall-elementi, kemm jekk xita qliel jew xemx taqli l-ankri, bla ikel u xi skutella b’daqsxejn ilma li jispiċċa mdardar. Hekk iħossu kelb li jintrabat b’xi katina, u jitħalla fuq xi bejt jew xi bitħa minsi għal sigħat

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Animal Assisted Therapy

Studies have shown how having pets improves depression, loneliness, cardiovascular health,lowers blood pressure and our well-being in general. But as a psychotherapist enjoy digging deeper, I wanted to take a step further and as I was listening to Ekhart Tolle I came across this which satisfied my curiosity: Consciousness is the formless dimension, our essence beyond the body. For example who is reading this right no

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Animal Cognition

Animal cognition is the study of the mental capacities of animals and includes the study of animal conditioning and learning. According to a study carried out by Jason Bruck, an animal behaviourist, dolphins have the longest memories in the Animal Kingdom. Animal language acquisition, attempting to discern or understand the degree to which animal cognistics can be revealed by linguistics-related study, has been cont

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All about pet adoption

Tips before You Go to the Shelter. Identify your needs, are you a single adult looking for a pet who can go everywhere with you? Do you have other dogs or cats at home? Are you a parent looking for a pet who loves children? Do you enjoy grooming or do you want a pet with an easy-care coat? Do you have a quiet, mostly sedentary lifestyle or are you active and looking for an exercise partner? What size and breeds of p

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Pets at Work

Dogs have earned their designation as man’s best friend. Besides being loving pets and fun playmates, dogs (actually, most pets) can actually give you a leg up on the corporate ladder. As long as you take them to work with you, that is. Employers and employees are acknowledging the advantages and benefits of a growing office trend that allows pets in the workplace. And now there’s research to support what some ha

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