Samsara is a Junior Achievement Young Enterprise Company, founded by five students from Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School. The group has been invited to the studios of Animal Diaries to provide viewers with details about their project.   A repeat of this episode can be viewed here.

Malta is facing a great deal of challenges due to the meagre recycling rate, which is the lowest in the EU.  These students decided to take action in order to help solve this problem and created a company which will upcycle waste materials and fashion them into unique home décor items. In this way, not only will they be reducing waste, but they will also be raising awareness on this matter.

The name of the company, Samsara, is more than just a name; it has a meaning which runs deeper. Thisword is derived from Hinduism, where, in its original context, it means the continuation of a cycle beyond the material life. This theme of continuation is an integral part of the company’s philosophy as they seek to give new life to a new product from resources that were destined to go to waste. Their company colour, orange, also serves as a symbol of joy and creativity, which are two key ingredients that go into the making of these products.

Their range of products from the D Vine collection features decorative planters and bookends. The planter series of the collection is made by utilising glass bottle bases, which have been precisely cut and complemented with pebbles and colourful stones, thus brightening the surroundings to create a vibrant atmosphere. As for the bookend collection, the top part of the bottle is combined with a wooden pallet in order to create an innovative planter and candle holder. Both of these can be used to decorate bookshelves, or they may even be used as stand-alone décor items if desired. Moreover, these specific editions of handmade décor items will be tailored to suite the customer’s personal liking by offering a choice of wood stains, stone colours and even candles. Part of the proceedings from sales will be used to buy special equipment needed for clean-ups organised by Malta Clean Up, and organisation which promotes a clean environment.

Some of the products created can be seen here:

For more information about Samsara and their products, one can send a message either through their Facebook page: Samsara – A JAYE Company, their website: or via email at Join Samsara on their journey towards a more sustainable environment by following them on Facebook (Samsara – A JAYE Company) and on Instagram; samsaramalta.